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Roots to Abundance Sanctuary

A Monthly online healing membership for Self-Sabotaging Female Caregivers to feel Self Worth, Inner Bliss and Peace within enabling you ro respond to life's challenges with greater ease

Are you a female carer, supporting children and or elderly relatives?

Are you experiencing Self Sabotaging behaviours such as saying YES to everyone except yourself?

Would you like to feel greater self worth, compassion and inner peace where you can respond to life's challenges with greater ease?

Wouldn't it be amazing to have relief from headaches, stress and lowered levels of anxiety and overwhelm whilst feeling in control of your life and responsibilities and having that time for yourself too. 


Roots to Abundance Sanctuary is a monthly healing membership, a online safe haven where you can envelope yourself in gentle. 
soul awakening practices where you are part of a female collective that all feel listened to, heard and understood. 

Louise holds your hand, empathetically nudges you gently to enhance your self awareness so you are able to take back your self worth. 

Live your life from below and above as you are rooted to earths core and connected to 
the universal energy that supplies you with the nourishment your soul needs to thrive. 

Each month you'll follow my three step process to raise your vibration and lift yourself out of that Self Sabotage Mode


3 Step Process 

What will the membership involve: 

Each month there is a different theme, see the bottom of the page for theme and dates.

  • Access to an online learning portal - all replays and content will be stored here - videos, PDF's etc
  • Lives sessions at least twice a month
  • Content and Lives are every Thursday 
  • The first Thursday of the month is Release phase, second Thursday is Heal, Third is Connect and the forth is Celebration. 
  • Content will vary but will include
  • Journaling, Creative Mindful Techniques, Forgiveness Practices, Guided Meditation, Gentle Qigong Movements, Emotional Resilience and Awareness,  Self Love and Care Practices, Reiki Healing, Angel Wisdom Messages and Connection, Spiritual Awareness and Connection. Plus so much more. 
Roots to Abundance
Self Awareness
Connecting with your spiritual side
Ceremony preparation
Chakra System


It may feel as things become heavy at times, the universe asks that you nourish your needs through the process, allow yourself to be carried as you're held within the Roots to Abundance Sanctuary. 


As the cobwebs blow away, your energy begins to lift, abundance and opportunities and positive events begin to flow into your life when you take a step back, pausing and allowing the universe to carry you. 

Self Awareness

Become in tune with your physical bodily sensations and emotional signs and triggers, know when to pause and when to take action. 


Feel in control of life's demands and challenges as you feel greater confidence with your own abilities

Look forward to multiple minutes and  hours of self care and healing each week which you can watch and partake at your own leisure. 


Notice how you mirror your calm demeanor with your family, as you begin to respond with calmness, love and compassion. You are less triggered to their behaviours as they too begin to transform how they treat you, with greater respect and gratitude. 


Your once what was stress and anxiety that took up a lot of your time  is now a faint memory, as you feel clarity and organised with how your days unfold. Balance is key to ensuring you have family/work/care/personal life balance. 

Different Hats

Your caring role may feel like a burden at times, care, work, sleep, eat repeat. Resenting others for your lack of self worth and care. Showing up monthly using the Release, Heal Connect techniques offers you that dedicated time to put the needs of others to the side as you value your worth. Making time and space for topping up your energy levels so you can maintain your mum, daughter, friend, employee, business owner, house keeper and all those roles you have in flow. 


As you feel less burdened by the needs of others, able to ask for help, supported with a sense of relief in ’re in a safe haven where you're listened to, heard and understood you're able to feel and act upon your new confidence to put your boundaries in place in the real world. 


Know where are you going in life, your life mission, it's not a magic wand but the more you recognise your worth the more you'll receive nuggets of aha moments that encourage and motivate you to keep moving, even if that means pausing. 

Self Worth

Recognise your inner beauty, how far you've travelled on your life journey in terms of highs and lows and how they've shaped you. Feel appreciative, proud and celebratory of what you've achieved. 

Ray of Sunshine:

Let go of your Debbie Downer (sorry Debbie's <3 we love you) It's time to raise your vibration change that negative self talk as you are supported by collective of luscious women who bounce love and light off and to each other. building your confidence, self esteem and self worth. 

Inner Bliss 

I'd love you to come back and share how this feels for you as it shows up. 

Monthly Themes &
Dates for your Diary: 


Into the light New Moon portal is my special time which I so look forward to each month. Louise channel's all her intuitive, healing, angelic energies into a mindful and self-healing hour of pure self-care and bliss. I always feel cleansed, calm and renewed and sleep much better after the session. Fully recommended 

I have been a member of Into the light healing portal for a couple of years now. I always look forward to Louise’s sessions and find them to be very calm and relaxing, yet also truly powerful. Her guidance is always spot on and divinely timed. I would absolutely recommend anyone join the group and enjoy the benefits of Louise’s knowledge, enthusiasm and healing energy in a very safe and comfortable space with other like minded people. It’s a blessing to be part of this group. Thank you to Louise for holding this space. 

I love attending the healing sessions, they help me bring balance and to centre myself again. I enjoy the pace, the content of the sessions which brings me calm and most importantly its my time to have some self care. Thank you Louise for all the healing

Louise is very soulful lady. Kind, thoughtful, intuitive and generous with herself and her time. Fun too with an big open heart. When I was looking to find a group that would help support my journey I am pleased to have found Louise who is very down to earth and empathetic. No judgement just gentle encouragement to better self love, care and more gratitude. I have enjoyed her guided healing sessions which have been powerful experiences for me. As has the one to one sessions I have had too. It has been a positive experience for me connecting with other like minded people in this very gentle, loving space.



2023 Louise Winstanley 

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