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Chakra Cleanse Your Way to Inner Calmness

Writer: Louise Louise

After a successful launch of my 7 Day Chakra Cleanse online retreat, i'm really excited to be hosting it again in September.

During the previous retreat 8 beautiful souls took part in the journey.

Are you wondering what a Chakra Cleanse is?

Let me share a little more about how useful they are in every day life.

You are made of not only physical matter but energetic matter, that which is not visible to the human eye. Energy is your operating system, check out my previous Blog Chakra Checklist. A chakra cleanse compliments your energy systems and your whole physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Regular self care practices can keep your energy centres (chakras) balanced. A Cleanse is where multiple practices take place to release negativity, uplift your vitality and to get those wheels in motion for your energy centres which are like spinning vortexes when they are operating healthily.

One of my particular favourite parts of the Chakra Cleanse Retreat is the Chanting, each Chakra has an associated Chant with a Vibration that corresponds to the awakening of the energy centre in question.

Here are the names of the chants

Root - LAM

Sacral - VAM

Solar Plexus - RAM

Heart - YAM

Throat - HAM

Third Eye - OM

Crown - OM

Not only during the cleanse will you chant but you will focus on colour healing, crystals, mindset, incorporating as little or a lot of these practices in the safe space of a Private Facebook Group.

What are the benefits of a Chakra Cleanse?

  • Better Energy Flow

  • Prevents Negative Emotions

  • Prevents Mental Blockages

  • Develops Spiritual Consciousness

  • Attain Future Goals

I really support the presentation of negative emotions, when your energy flows naturally you're more likely to be in a state of inner peace and calmness, mentally and emotionally challenges are not as stressful, you're more easily able to handle those difficult situations. It sounds too good to be true but from my personal experience I know how i'm now managing life more easily. Responding to people who once pushed my buttons with less frustration and more love and compassion.

It definably makes life more joyful and happier

Want to know more....

Keep posted on my social media, you can even register to my email list to ensure you receive a weekly newsletter with updates about all my events, (See the Welcome gift page on my website) You'll also receive a complimentary Chakra Balancing Meditation when you sign up.

P.S a little hint!! The next Chakra Cleanse will be coming LIVE in September 2021

Blessings Louise



2023 Louise Winstanley 

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